Our job, our mission
The wood has a long and fascinating life and its chromatic evolution is similar to the life of one person.
Resistant, durable, unique in its multiple shadings, it always moves us, either if we are in front of a wise restored forniture , or in front of a parquet just rested, or a case created ad hoc ( yr pardon of being modest)
Its beauty doesn't fear anything, instead it increases with the passing of the years, love the wood means love the life and the good things that nature offers us. Cutivalte trees means to accept that there are forests everywhere, also behind our house.
It is enough to enter in a forest to understand that it is a true and strong place to respect and love forever.
It is for this reason that our job carried us to use wood only coming from controlled reforestation areas dedicated to the wood production.
For the finishing of our products we use varnishes to low environmental impact or vegetal oils which exalt the natural beauty of the wood in the full respect of the atmosphere.
Our thought and job are turned to all those persons and companies of the world that, just like us, live protecting this wonderful enviroment.
Honour to all the men and women who love, live and respect the wood and its world.
Turani S.r.l. Wood Packaging Solutions Thought and action